Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday May 28th

I had absolutely zero energy, zero motivation and zero desire to workout today.

So I turned to some friends and to Patrick to both physically and mentally push me out the door to get in my scheduled workout.
It's difficult to get in a good workout when you really don't want to. But I went out, ran my 30:1 intervals for a mile, ran a mile straight (how am I doing this?!?), a (slow) mile with 30:1 intervals and then I walked the last mile home. I had only scheduled 2 miles today, plus an extra mile for the streak, so I didn't feel too guilty about walking in the last mile since it was extra. Plus, it gave me extra money for my Dopey Challenge Savings.
I came home and completed level one of Ripped in 30. I followed the modified version because I am still allowing my wrist to heal and because I am just not strong enough yet to push my body that hard. I want to work my way up and this is the best way to do it for me.
I am so embarrassed by my menu today. I definitely let PMS get the best of me and I feel weak because of it. But it's just one day and one day is not going to define my success or the rest of my week. It actually helped push me to look online for some help and suggestions and I found an article that I'm planning on reading and hopefully sharing here about running and losing weight. Stay tuned..

Tuesday May 28th
20 swedish fish
Chocolate malted crunch ice cream
Pretzel sticks
Diet dr pepper
Homemade hot wings
No fast food: ✔
No regular soda: ✔
No scale: ✔
Water: 6
Workout: 4.32 miles- 1 mile intervals, 1 mile run, 1 mile intervals, 1 mile walk. Level one Ripped in 30.
Positive: I had no motivation to workout tonight so I sought out motivation and an extra kick in the butt and it worked.

I am 2 days into my streak and have successfully walked over 10,000 steps both days so far. Looking forward to seeing how far I can go! And I'm so grateful to both Patrick and my online friends for the push. Without you I probably would have stayed in bed, but instead I am enjoying the endorphins and plan on sleeping very well tonight!


  1. Yay Tracy!

    Have you seen the image online that says "The hardest step for a runner is the first one out the door?" So true, but I'm sure you're glad you got people to kick your butt out the door!

    1. I love that saying!

      Sometimes we need a little extra push to get in a workout or to do something we had planned. It's difficult to be motivated all the time.

      But, the streak continues!
