According to The Free Dictonary, dopey is defined as:
dop·ey also dop·y
adj. dop·i·er, dop·i·est
1. Dazed or lethargic, as if drugged.
2. Stupid; doltish
3. Silly; foolish
According to the most magical place on earth, dopey is defined as:
An ultimate endurance challenge.
A four day, 48.6 mile race.
Participants will run the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Marathon
and if you complete all four races within the pacing requirements
you will be awarded the Goofy Race and a Half Challenge medal
and the brand new Dopey Challenge finisher medal
for a total of six pieces of "bling."
According to me, dopey is defined as:
wanting nothing more than to complete the dopey challenge
planning on spending a lot of money on four races, hotel and flight
being over prepared for a race in 2015
having a slight obsession/extreme dedication to making this happen
image from Disney Wikia
This is the first year the Dopey Challenge has been introduced as part of the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend. Meaning this particular race is already sold out, and sign ups have only been open for a month...
This is only one of a few reasons as to why I'm not running this race until 2015.
It's also only one of many reasons as to why I plan on running this race in 2015.
It's also only one of many reasons as to why I plan on running this race in 2015.
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