Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday May 21st

Another successful day, which makes me feel so good about so many things. I feel good about what I'm doing to change my body. I feel good about how I'm going about changing my body. I feel healthier by simply eating better food. I feel happier by simply working out. I feel like I'm worth the time I'm spending on me. And I am not expecting to see dramatic changes in an unrealistic time frame.

I'm simply making manageable changes that I can do for a lifetime.

I decided today to start wearing my pedometer to track my daily steps. Starting next week I will begin to aim to hit 10,000 steps each day. Yesterday I hit just over 8,000 and today I should hit 7,000. I feel like a few adjustments will need to be made in order to get in those extra steps to reach my goal next week.

I didn't take any pictures today other than of my daily tracker, but I did get in my scheduled workout. I started with my arms and legs this morning and completed my 2 mile run right before dinner. Endorphins are amazing and make me happy.

Another tracked day.
My run went well tonight. It was nice to get back into it, even if it was more difficult than I would have hoped. It's been 65 days today since I've been for a run and my body could feel it. I took it nice and slow and enjoyed just being out there again. The old me would have been upset or felt the need to justify my time, but this time I am running for a specific purpose. I am running specifically for distance. Yes, there is a finish time that I have to aim for, but I'm about 2 minutes faster than that right now and feel like I will improve by more than that in the next year and a half (I would hope at least!)
As of right now, I am aiming to finish each mile under 15 minutes. That's slow enough to avoid injury and gives me a good starting point to get back to my consistent 11:30-13 minute miles for farther distances if I can build myself up slowly.
I'm not a fast runner and I will probably never be a fast runner. I only know what works for me and in order for me to finish a run I need to do two things. 1) I need to keep it at a reasonable speed and 2) I need to run intervals. I use the Galloway method and love it! It's what works best for me. I've been able to run one mile straight through once in my life and I just know that it's not something I will be able to do for 26.2 miles straight.
Normally I run 45:1 intervals, meaning I run for 45 seconds and walk for 1 minute. I built myself up to 1:1 intervals last year for my solo half marathon, but since I am just starting back up I have taken myself down to running 30:1 intervals for now. Just until I can get my body back into it. I would like to take the next year and a half to build myself up to at least 1:1 intervals for Dopey, if not longer running intervals.
Tonight's run was a distance of 2.30 miles on the wash. I walked the first 0.15 to get to the wash, ran intervals for 2 miles and walked 0.15 miles back home.
Can't complain for my first time back at it in 65 days!
Mile 1- 14:17
Mile 2- 13:45
Mile 0.30- 4:30

I'm looking forward to tracking my improvements with both my strength and my running. I do intend to work on my speed, but it's not my top priority. I am really looking forward to going out again for another run on Thursday. And I'm also looking forward to my first attempt at the Jillian Michael's yoga DVD I recently bought. I have never attempted yoga, and I know that her DVD is not like regular yoga, but it should be a nice change of pace.

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