Monday, May 27, 2013

"It's Time to Start Streaking!"

While checking Facebook this morning I came across this:

Day 1 of Runstreak... I am off for a quick mile before work.. It's just a few minutes out of your day, do it!

I went to the website facts and realized that this is something that I can do. I'm going to attempt to run a mile straight each day, but will only go as far as I can until I incorporate intervals. I'm adjusting it to me and my needs and abilities. Maybe by the end I will be able to run a mile (or more) straight. Who knows!

I know that there is going to be a period of time before the challenge is up that I will find it difficult to get in that mile as we will be on vacation, but I am dedicated to make it happen.

Who knows, maybe I can make this streak last for more than the 39 days (5/27-7/4). Maybe I can make it 50 days in a row. Or 100 days. Or even a whole year straight. Anything is possible, right?

I'm going to start small and just attempt to make it through this challenge before I start getting bigger ideas in my mind. Basically I just plan on adding one additional mile to my already planned out workout schedule for this week and then add it to the following workout schedules I make. I also plan on keeping track of my streak to the right under my Dopey Challenge Savings.

Caution.. Streaking in Progress!


  1. I'm doing it too!!

    I'm doing 1 mile = $1 too, to save up for the Princess Half I'm doing in February!

    (AKA - I stole all of your ideas)

    1. Steal away! I'm glad you like the idea and are able to incorporate it for your race!
