Saturday, August 3, 2013

Weekly Weigh In

Starting weight: 188.8
Last week's weight: 185.4
This week's weight: 189.4
This week +/-: +4
Total +/-: +0.6

Thoughts: I mentally prepared for a 1, maybe 2 pound loss this week. I had checked the scale both Thursday and Friday, so I knew my chances for a loss were pretty slim.

I talked to myself about it, knew it was coming, most likely knew the reason why and was trying to accept it as part of the process.

Seeing a 4 pound gain took me by surprise and was highly upsetting. There are reasons for it. High sodium yesterday and the increase in exercise this past week does still play a part. 

It stung having to type that weight into My Fitness Pal. It stung seeing my progress from the past month (-3.4) just go away. And it stings typing it here. 

I have once again surpassed my previous highest adult weight. 

There's no point sitting here thinking about it. I know the reasons for it, so I know the part that I can change for next week.

And the part that I can't change (the gain from exercising), well that's a positive change for my lifestyle and will catch up with the rest of my body at some point.

I know it seems silly to post progress pictures, because obviously the weight loss isn't going in the direction I had hoped, but it's been a while and in all honesty I think I look better.

My original pictures are on the left and were taking on May 20th. The current pictures on the right were taken this morning. I was 181.8 on the left at my original starting weight (I've restarted since then) and 189 on the right.
Not quite where I want to be, but proof that the scale is not a very good tool to show success. It's just one way to measure progress and I need to remember that on the weeks that it is up. 

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