Five things I am thankful for about myself
1. I am thankful that I have stretch marks as battle scars from being pregnant. My body had to do some amazing things in order to get pregnant and have a happy and healthy pregnancy. I need to stop looking at these things as a negative and instead remember what my body had to do in order to deliver a healthy and beautiful little girl.
2. I am thankful for my thighs. They may not be as small as I would like them to be, but that doesn't mean that they are big in a bad way. They are thick because they need to be in order to get in all of the miles it takes to run all of these races. Without my thighs I wouldn't be able to run. They are not fat like I seem to think most of the time, they are strong.
3. I am thankful that my calves are looking amazing. All of the running, the biking and the elliptical-ing have proven beneficial for this part of my body. I have always loved looking at other runners calf muscles and feeling envious, wondering when mine were going to pop. Well, they are popping and I am more than happy to wear shorts and 3/4 pants to show them off.
4. I am thankful for my feet. A good pedicure changes my opinion about them for the better, but I will always be grateful to have runners feet (blisters, missing toenails, etc). I earned those feet, and although they are not attractive to most I wouldn't trade the miles and experiences I have had for anything.
5. I am thankful for my drive when it comes to working out. It may seem crazy to most to workout as much as I have been these past two weeks, but for me it is becoming second nature. I am enjoying my workouts and the benefits that I am receiving from them. The scale may not be reflecting my hard work, but my endurance and stamina are enough to keep me going. As long as I enjoy the workouts I will continue to do them and when they become boring or I feel like I'm burning out then I will switch things up.
Five things I am thankful for in life
1. I am thankful to have a husband who understands my need and desire to workout as much as I do. I feel as though we have a good system going where I can usually workout before work while he is still sleeping and only spend a small amount of time working out rather than spending time with him and Isabel. Some days I am not able to and I end up spending more time away, but he is so supportive that I know I don't need to feel guilty about this healthy habit of mine.
2. I am thankful that I have a best friend that I can talk to about anything. I know that if I am having a bad day or if I need to talk something out that is bothering me I can turn to her and use her for support. We are able to talk to each other without a filter and our walks together on our breaks are often the best part of the work day. I can only hope that I am able to offer her as much support as she offers me.
3. I am thankful that I am able to afford a therapist. Although I have yet to take any huge strides in improving myself, I am taking baby steps and each session I am able to discover something new and work towards bettering myself. I know that I am only going to take out of it what I put into it, so I have a feeling that our appointments are going to get much deeper so that I can start to see the improvements in myself that I so deeply crave.
4. I am thankful that Patrick and I followed through on combining finances. We both know where we are in regards to our credit score and we are actively working on improving. We're not doing bad, but we could be better and it's important for us to figure this out now instead of in a year or two when we are looking for a house. We are both doing pretty good with our budget (I expected us to stumble a little with the first paycheck or two) and I'm very proud of us.
5. I am thankful that I am feeling genuinely happy. I have a good life and it's about damn time I realized that. I am not always a pessimist, and I try to look at the glass half full as often as I can, but I'm human and tend to hold onto the things that cause me grief. Lately (and I think I can thank the endorphins from working out) the sky has been bluer and the grass has been greener. I'm taking out of life what I put into it. I am thankful that I have a job that I like, I'm thankful that I have a hobby that I can hopefully benefit financially from, I am thankful that I have a best friend that gets me, I'm thankful that I have a cat that is the sweetest thing, I am thankful that I have bonus (step) children that I get along with, I am thankful that I have an apartment that suits our needs, I am thankful that we have money in the bank, I am thankful that we are so close to being out of debt and mostly I am thankful that I have a husband who loves me and who I love. He is patient and understanding and we can get through anything as long as we're standing side-by-side.
Throwback Thursday:
I think it's going to take me a little while to get used to posting pictures of myself from the past. I feel a little weird doing it, but there are not a lot of pictures of myself from the past five years and that's kind of something I regret. So I'm going to put them out there from all phases of the past few years. From my highest weight when I was nine months pregnant and the yo yo weights from then to now. I don't know how many pictures I actually have, but I think it will be good to come to terms with my past in order to accept who I am now.
It's been one hell of a journey and I am ready to see myself, maybe the way others saw me. Again, I don't know how many pictures there are of me since I'm usually the one behind the camera. I'm going to do my best to pick pictures that show my body since this is a weight loss/fitness blog (or at least it's supposed to be).
My photo CDs are in no particular order (an ongoing organizing task I have yet to find time or money to do). Since they are not in any order, the photo's I post weekly will also not be in any particular order. I will do my best to include a year, but most pictures will be from March 2008-present as that is when I started saving my pictures onto discs.
September 20, 2008- Isabel's first trip to the beach.
She had just turned 6 months, so we decided to take her one a trip to the beach. We found a nice little secluded spot where she could play and experience the sand in between her toes. I don't remember, but I don't think I ever took my shorts or shirt off to enjoy the sun and the water. I remember hating my body.
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