Monday, August 26, 2013

Running Log

I know a lot of runners keep track of their scheduled runs. They track the date, time, distance, course, thoughts, feelings, etc. I wish I could have started out being that detail oriented.

My running log is simply the date, daily miles, monthly miles and total miles. Just a bunch of numbers thrown onto a page. Completely OCD.

I started tracking on January 1, 2012. My goal was to run and/or walk 1250 miles in one year. I fell short by 356.87 miles, ending the year with 893.13. The last three months of the year were pathetic and I could have reached my goal if I had just done something those months. I found the papers from that journal a couple days ago and decided to compile all of my miles into one book.

I really think that it's important for me to be proud of the things I have accomplished. I may not have reached my goal last year, and I know I'm not going to reach my goal this year (thanks to being on bed rest for two whole months). I am currently at 501.36 miles for this year and would need another 748.64 to reach my goal, meaning I would need to walk and/or run no less than 187.16 miles every month until the end of the year.

I'm not holding my breath for that.

But, just because I didn't reach those goals does not mean that those miles were not done. I have purposefully walked and/or run a total of 1394.49 miles from January 1, 2012 until today. That's not something small. That is huge!

All of those miles have now been added up into one nice little place so that I can see it daily when I add in new miles.

I think my new goal is to eventually see myself hit the 5,000 mile mark. It should probably take me a total of 5 years if I continue to run. And of course, next year will be my year to hit 1250 miles in one year. I can feel it!

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