There is one thing that I have not done before and I feel may be a necessary part of succeeding on this journey.
I have never made a list of reasons why I want to get in shape and be healthy. It's always just been something I want because I don't like the way I look, but it's so much more than that. So much more.
I realized I wanted to make a list shortly after Patrick asked when we could start to get in shape. In normal circumstances I may have been irritated at the assumption that he thinks I need to get in shape, however being so open about my weight loss (and more important, my negative self talk) gives him pretty clear insight into what I may need on this journey.
I've asked Patrick quite a few times if he would join me with working out and eating healthy. Every time we tend to make it a few days together we both end up falling off the wagon.
But this time it was his idea, and I think that's what might make this stick this time around.
So I made a list of reasons why I'm doing this and I think keeping this list visible (on my motivation wall) will help me remember why I want this. I think lists like this are meant to be open and honest, so although some of these reasons may seem vain or unimportant to some, they are mine and no one can take that away from me...
Reasons Why I Want To Get In Shape:
1. To have more confidence
2. To be more comfortable with my body
3. To be prepared for and complete The Dopey Challenge
4. To have more energy
5. To be a better influence on my children
6. So my husband will find me attractive
7. To feel strong
8. To reach my goal weight and maintain it
9. To spend at least one whole day without thinking about my body negatively
10. To want to stand in front of the camera instead of always being behind it
11. To not feel self conscious waving to someone while wearing a tank top
12. To run a mile without stopping
13. To finish a 5K race without stopping
14. So that when my friends from the Weight Watchers boards say they want to meet up for a hike I will be excited to go and not make excuses to not go
15. To be physically healthy to have a baby if we decide to continue our family
16. To have the right eating habits in place so that if we do have a baby I won't gain 80 pounds while pregnant like I did with Isabel
17. To say yes and actually go in every time the kids want to go to the pool
18. To not cry in the fitting rooms while trying on bathing suits
19. To feel confident in a bathing suit
20. To not wonder or care what other people think of my body
21. To not care if my husband checks out other women, because their husbands may be checking me out
22. To not feel my body jiggle with each step while I run
23. So I will stop thinking people are talking about or laughing at me
24. To start needing to shop for smaller pants instead of larger ones
25. To believe people when they tell me I'm pretty
26. To not hide food/candy wrappers from my husband
27. To avoid high blood pressure (runs in the family)
28. To feel confident to wear the lingerie without spilling out
29. To show my daughter that beauty is more on the inside then the outside
30. So I can finally have an after photo
31. To fit into my little black dress from 5 years ago
32. To be able to love myself, like my husband loves me
33. To believe my husband when he tells me that he thinks I'm sexy
34. To be more positive
35. To get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight (from 5 years ago)
36. To handle stress without food
37. To handle happiness without food
38. To have the confidence to do a Boudoir photo shoot for my husband
39. To not wonder if something is going to zip up
40. To look (and feel) good naked
41. To have more patience
42. To be constantly high on endorphins
43. To look forward to my next workout
44. To fit into my skinny jeans
45. To wear a short dress without wearing 3/4 spandex pants underneath to hide my thighs
46. To encourage my husband to keep at his weight loss goals
47. To feel proud of myself for reaching and staying at my goal
48. To get rid of that "what if" pair of jeans because I know I will never be that size again
49. So that I could possibly be a role model for those that want to lose weight
50. To feel confident in a pair of shorts
51. So I can stop feeling envious of thin, healthy women
52. To know that I am worth spending the time on myself
53. To not moan and groan from getting up from the floor
54. To buy cute underwear without worrying about indentations
55. To train in a sports bra and shorts on hot days
56. So that I will take more pride in how I look on a day to day basis
57. To be more willing to try new things
58. To be more socially comfortable
59. To sleep better
60. To sit on my husbands lap without worrying about hurting him
61. To get a massage without feeling self conscious
62. To have the energy to clean the apartment instead of sitting on the couch
63. So the workout DVDs will stop collecting dust
64. So I can watch my body get stronger
65. To notice my body changing
66. So others can notice too
67. To avoid weight related health issues
68. To live longer
69. To see and be able to play with my grandchildren
70. To not have to squat and tug my jeans up over my thighs
71. Or suck in my gut to button my jeans
72. Or wear a larger shirt to hide the muffin top
73. So I can stop thinking the bed is breaking when it creaks
74. So I can focus on some of my other goals
75. So I can stop blaming my lower belly pooch on the c-section
76. To not be self conscious eating in public
77. To not have a section of my body that I dislike
78. To be able to easily think of things I like about myself (both physically and otherwise)
79. To be comfortable being intimate with the lights on
80. To learn how to water ski
81. To learn how to snow board
82. To ride a motor cycle
83. To climb a mountain
84. To have a healthy BMI
85. To not fear the doctor's scale
86. To know that fast food is not the right choice
87. To know that no excuse is worth it
88. To prove to myself that I have the willpower to do this
89. To enjoy myself on vacation
90. So I can save money
91. So I can accept a compliment when someone gives me one, rather than feel the need to deny it, tell him he's crazy, or silently wish I felt the same
92. To make it through any Jillian Michael's DVD challenge
93. To be more comfortable in the kitchen making healthier meals
94. To stop fearing the scale
95. To be less critical and negative about myself
96. To stop avoiding mirrors and windows
97. To take pressure off of my knees and avoid another knee surgery
98. So I can show off my muscles
99. So I can say my weight out loud with pride
100. To love myself