I cannot say enough good things about our nine day trip up the coast. So many fun experiences that I will never forget. At the same time, I'm glad to be home.
It's difficult to be so off track and not have a lot of control over it. Yes, I could have made better choices. Yes, I could have found the time to make it to the fitness center available at the hotel. But, there was a lot that was planned and not much down time. In reality we spent a lot of time walking around and even got a 12 mile bike ride in from our hotel and across the Golden Gate Bridge. I wasn't completely sedentary and we weren't eating the entire time, but there were choices and I will be honest and say that I indulged.
But now I'm back in the real world and anticipating a difficult transition back to work on Tuesday. Having three months off has been a roller coaster of emotions and I can only say that I wish I had done things differently. But you can't go back and do things over, so I will have to realize that things are the way they are for a reason and go from there.
I would like to weigh myself on Monday and start my no weighing from there. I want a better idea of where I am so that I can push myself for the next three months. As of my last weigh in I am just over the 20 pound mark for weight gained since Patrick and I got married last October. In three months we will be celebrating our one year anniversary and I would like to be as close to my wedding weight as possible.
I don't like putting a time limit on weight loss. I will refuse to put that pressure on myself. Saying "I will lose 20 pounds in 3 months" is just setting myself up to fail. So I would just like to be closer to that weight than I am now.
This includes getting control over my eating (#1 priority) and getting back into the gym (#2 priority). My weekly workouts will have to be scheduled. Now that I will be going to work from 730-430 Monday-Friday and now that Patrick is in his new position and working a lot more, there is less spare time to make it to the gym or even to go out for a run. I need to make me a priority in my life along with a list of other things and people, so it may be tricky for the first week or two until I can get into a routine.
I know I can make it work. And I know that it is worth it when I go. Not just for my body, but also for my family. Endorphins make people happy. A happy Tracy = a happy Patrick and Isabel.
Now for a vacation recap...
I will only be showing a few pictures per day because I actually did take over 1,000 pictures during the 9 day trip. No one wants to see that.
Friday June 28th: Santa Barbara, Longboards, Ostrichland, Solvang, Wine tasting
Saturday June 29th: Day at the Beach, Bubblegum Alley
Sunday June 30th: Elephant Seals, Hearst Castle, Mission, 17 mile drive
Monday July 1st: Monterey Bay Aquarium, Boardwalk
Tuesday July 2nd: Train ride through the Redwoods, Fisherman's Wharf
Wednesday July 3rd: Alcatraz, Bike ride across Golden Gate Bridge, Trolley Ride, Ghiradelli
Thursday July 4th: Bus tour, Lombard Street, Fireworks
Friday June 6th: Jelly Belly Factory, California State Capitol
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