If I miss a workout then I feel like a failure. If I change a workout then I feel like a failure. I feel like I am the queen of excuses for skipping or changing a workout and then I feel like I'm a disappointment. Who am I disappointing though?
I'm only disappointing myself. I can guarantee that no one else will ever be as hard on me as I am on myself. I think that whether I stick with a scheduled workout should not make or break the mood I'm in and I should really be able to be happy with what I do accomplish for the day. I am doing something each day, so why isn't that enough?
I like the idea of having a schedule. I think what I'm missing is a daily visual of what I have scheduled and someone to hold me accountable for doing the workout each day. I don't want to always have to rely on someone else to push me to workout, but I think that for now that may be what I need. We have a calendar white board in our dining room and it would be very easy for me to write down what I want to do so that everyone can see it. Maybe a little more accountability just by having it out in the open.
So for now I will have a scheduled workout on here and will physically write it out on the white board. We'll see if that works. Regardless of what happens, I am going to be proud of what I do accomplish throughout the week, whether it's exactly what's typed out here, more than what I have scheduled or less. Getting any activity each day is so much more than enough. It does not have to be an all or nothing. I can be proud of myself. I need to be proud of myself because I should not have to rely on anyone else to be my cheerleader.
Monday June 10th: Walk, Interval Run and Streak, 30 squats, arms
Tuesday June 11th: Walk, Interval Run and Streak, 35 squats, abs
Wednesday June 12th: Walk, Interval Run and Streak, 40 squats, arms
Wednesday June 12th: Walk, Interval Run and Streak, 40 squats, arms
Thursday June 13th: Walk, Interval Run and Streak, 45 squats, abs
Friday June 14th: Walk, Interval Run and Streak, 50 squats, arms
Saturday June 15th: Long Run with Streak, 55 squats
Sunday June 16th: Streak, 60 squats
Monday- Friday and Sunday: 1 mile interval run, 1 mile run, 1 mile walk
Long Run: 3 miles
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